Wanted: Technical Articles for MP

As the world’s largest circulation magazine exclusively dedicated to corrosion, Materials Performance is committed to providing corrosion professionals in many industries around the globe with timely information on the latest technologies and practical solutions for corrosion prevention and control. To successfully communicate the wide variety of corrosion-related issues affecting corrosion professionals today, as well as the viable strategies that many have utilized to mitigate corrosion, MP is actively encouraging corrosion-control professionals worldwide to submit technical articles to share their corrosion-related experiences with over 36,000 NACE International members and subscribers.

Article Content

MP readers include engineers and technicians searching for workable solutions to their corrosion problems. To meet their needs, MP editors look for articles on practical applications of corrosion control technologies and mitigation techniques, as well as case histories, failure analyses, first-hand design and fabrication experiences, and personal experiences with the use of new materials and technologies. Equally valuable are the articles on experiences with materials, technologies, and programs that do not work or are not cost-effective.

MP accepts articles focusing on corrosion-related topics that support one of its four main categories: coatings and linings; cathodic protection; chemical treatment; and materials selection and design. This includes case histories, failure analyses, and Phorgotten Phenomena, which should summarize a field experience and include descriptions of the specific settings, the problems involved, the remedies selected, and the outcomes. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Coatings and linings—pipelines,tanks, marine structures, industrial equipment, floors, towers, bridges,and other infrastructure
  • Cathodic protection—pipelines,tanks, buried foundations, concrete,ship hulls, pilings, and submerged and above-grade structures in a saltwater environment
  • Chemical treatment—pipelines,industrial facilities, and municipal water and wastewater systems
  • Materials selection and design—metals, plastics, fiberglass, concrete,and other nonmetals

To be considered for publication, technical articles should meet one or more of the following requirements:

  • Describe a new or improved means of solving a corrosion problem
  • Describe a field or failure analysis that illustrates the rationale in materials selection, control methods,or inspection technology
  • Correlate and summarize previously published information to emphasize its value in solving a practical problem

Content should cover the topic in depth, and contain information such as procedures or tests used and the resulting data. An article should include an abstract, introduction, and conclusion. Text must support and justify the conclusions; however, articles do not need to contain detailed scientific equations, extensive chemical formulas, or comprehensive structural analyses. Authors are encouraged to submit simple, easy-to-read graphs and/or high-resolution (300 dpi or higher) photos or micrographs of corroded materials or failed components that correspond with the topics or events discussed.

Technical articles can also be based on conference papers, but they need to be edited before submission to conform to MP article guidelines and style requirements. Article submissions, including introduction, conclusion, and references, should not exceed a total of 2,000 words. Abstracts should not exceed 100 words; the total number of tables, figures, and photos should not exceed six; and no more than 15 references should be used.

How to Submit

The MP staff requests that all technical articles and accompanying artwork be submitted through MP’s online Paper Tracker system. Authors can then track the status of a submitted technical article to determine whether it has been sent to the technical editors, is in review, or accepted for publication. The technical editors also use the paper tracking system to notify the author if revisions are needed. To be considered for a specific MP issue, technical articles should be submitted at least seven months in advance of the publication date for that issue.

For more information and to download author guidelines and the NACE International Publications Style Manual, visit the MP Web site.

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