1/25/2024 6:00 AM
Photo courtesy of AMPP.
1/24/2024 6:00 AM
1/23/2024 6:00 AM
Ejected pieces of pipe. Photo by Acuren Group Inc., with TSB annotations.
1/22/2024 6:00 AM
Scientists applied a simple approach for growing hBN films on the surface of ubiquitous steels and other metal alloys to “armor” them and thus increase their capabilities. Image courtesy of Adam Malin/ORNL/U.S. Dept. of Energy.
1/19/2024 6:00 AM
1/18/2024 6:00 AM
The Thorco Basilisk’s parted hoisting wire rope (crane side of fracture) was evaluated by a consulting company. Photo by Engineering Systems, Inc.
1/17/2024 6:00 AM
Photo courtesy of Cortec Corporation.
1/16/2024 6:00 AM
Image courtesy of DuPont Tedlar.
1/15/2024 6:00 AM
RPM recently held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to open its innovation center of excellence. Photo courtesy of RPM.
1/12/2024 6:00 AM
Tony Serdenes, Nick Kuntz, and David A. Scotti.
1/11/2024 6:00 AM
Image courtesy of AMPP Action Center.
1/10/2024 6:00 AM
1/9/2024 6:00 AM
Image courtesy of Hempel.
1/8/2024 6:00 AM
1/5/2024 6:00 AM