Corrosion Basics

Forms of Corrosion

General, or uniform, corrosion is usually the least threatening type of attack because associated metal loss is distributed over a wide surface area. Unfortunately, most corrosion encountered in engineering practice is of a more localized type. Localized corrosion can be defined as selective attack at limited special areas or zones on a metal surface in contact with an environment.

NACE International’s Annual Corrosion Career Survey Results for 2015

Corrosion professionals in North America and Europe have experienced another year of continued growth in career opportunities and salary levels, according to the 2015 Corrosion Career Survey conducted by Materials Performance magazine.

Wanted: Technical Articles for MP

To successfully communicate the wide variety of corrosion-related issues affecting corrosion professionals today, MP is actively encouraging corrosion control professionals worldwide to submit technical articles to share their corrosion-related experiences with over 36,000 NACE International members around the globe.

Strategic Planning at NACE International: Fourth in a Series

The third and final aspect of defining our core ideology relates to the question, “What is it that we do?” In strategic planning parlance, this is called a mission statement. A mission statement describes what we do to fulfill our core purpose. Let’s recall our core purpose, or why we exist in the marketplace.

Corrosion Management and the Significance of Regular Reporting

Regular inspection, monitoring, sampling, and chemical treatment activities are needed to mitigate corrosion. Data are not always adequately reported on a regular basis, however, which could gradually render an asset integrity management system less effective.

Corrosion Basics: Close-Interval Potential Surveys

The principle of a close-interval potential survey is to record the pipe-to-soil potential profile of a pipeline over its entire length by measuring potentials at intervals that do not significantly exceed the depth of the pipe.

Historic Corrosion Tools Tell the Story of Early Corrosion Control

A collection of antique instruments illustrates the rich history of the East Bay Municipal Utility District’s corrosion department.

Results Posted for NACE International’s 2016 Annual Corrosion Career Survey

Average annual salaries in 2016 are reported for corrosion professionals in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and Europe. A slight gain was seen for the United States and United Kingdom, while a larger increase was recorded in Canada.

NACE Publishes Revised Coating and Lining Application Specialist Training and Certification Standard

The 2016 revised NACE No. 13/SSPC-ACS 1, “Industrial Coating and Lining Application Specialist Qualification and Certification” standard includes up-to-date information for qualifying the coatings and linings application specialist.

Corrosion Basics: Coating New Construction Seagoing Vessels

Surface preparation and coating application during the new construction of a vessel compose a complex orchestration that requires the coordination of every department in a shipyard. It is also one of the most expensive parts of building a new vessel.

Corrosion Basics: Effects of Coating on Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

The application of a coating can greatly reduce the amount of current required to obtain cathodic protection. In addition, good coating can significantly improve attenuation characteristics along a pipeline.