Submit a Manuscript

How to Submit Articles to MP

Materials Performance is constantly searching for corrosion prevention and control information and we encourage you to submit articles.

Submissions can include:

  • Technical Articles
    • Describe a new or improved means of solving a corrosion problem.
    • Describe a field or failure analysis that illustrates the rationale in materials selection or control methods.
    • Correlate and summarize previously published information to emphasize its value in solving a practical problem.
  • Case Histories
  • News Items and Press Releases
  • Editorials/Viewpoints

Learn more:

To submit a press release about new products, services, and company announcements:

Send to Rebecca Bickham, AMPP, Rebecca.Bickham@ampp.orgMP publishes information from press releases based on suitability and interest to the magazine's readership. There is no charge for publication and no guarantee that a press release will be published.

For more information contact:

Rebecca Bickham
MP Managing Editor-in-Chief